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Whether understanding Colloidal Silver Basics, ingesting powerful nanoparticles, or totally revamping your natural immune system defenses, using pure Colloidal Silver 30ppm has the power to TRANSFORM your life forever. Without Colloidal Silver 30ppm in our lives we may never achieve optimal health and well being. Instead, we all trudge through life compromised and inferior, never knowing what could have been.



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In this water you will find trace amounts of pure  99.99% pure silver nanoparticles. Each bottle contains trace amounts of nano silver particles. It is triple filtered evenly in a suspended solution of deionized water. This binds the oxygen with the silver and is the best known process to ensure maximum bio-availability.

Silver is a naturally-occurring element that is widely distributed, albeit at low concentrations, in drinking water and in food such as milk, wheat and mushrooms, and in the nanoscale. Positively charged small and active particles (silver nanoclusters). 

Using silver when it’s needed can provide the bloodstream with defensive nanoparticles.

Silver in trace amounts, for anti-microbial immune defending  properties. 

Active particles of silver nanoclusters stay in the bloodstream longer, where it can carry out it’s properties and naturally leaves.

Pure silver nano-particles stay in the bloodstream longer, where it can carry out anti-microbial properties.

The effectiveness of silver nanoparticles as an antiseptic is based on the ability of the biologically active silver ion (Ag+) to irreversibly damage key enzyme systems in the cell membranes of pathogens.

For thousands of years our ancestors have known about the amazing healing powers of the element silver. Our mission with Nano Silver is to bring these benefits to you!

The ancients knew about silver and they used it for a variety of materials, etc. They used for water purification and kept a silver in water or milk to prevent bacteria. Similar to copper. 

Ultra-pure deionized water. USP 23, the FDA monograph for pharmaceutical grade purified water. Silver toxicity would be functionally impossible to achieve with this product. Silver at such low concentration present, there is no fear of toxicity. 

We can’t say much about how silver works. Some people acknowledge its potential uses and some do not. That’s why we have a product that is just  silver nanoparticles (Ag47 NP) in a very trace % amount, to be applied as needed.How you use it is up to you, internally or externally.